Monday, January 18, 2010

Kashless/Recycle Bank Great freebies

We found a new AMAZING freebie.
1. Sign up here.
2. Put in 28 saved searches on the side (that'll be 280 points). It can be ANYTHING!
3. Invite a friend on the side (20 points)
4. Redeem your points. (You should have 300 points) You'll be directed to RecycleBank.
5. At RecycleBank (your points will show in a day or two), you can redeem points for coupons for free products.
For eg, 100 for Seventh Generation All Purpose Cleaner.
50 for Seventh Generation Dish Liquid
75 for Seventh Generation Baby Wipes
And there are also babyfood or Greenworks free products or coupons for Huggies etc etc...
You get to redeem each product once a month.
We got our coupons for all purpose cleaner and dish liquid pretty fast and went to Target and got the items free!!
You can do this in 15 mins!
The good part is, you can get 300 points from Kashless EVERY WEEK!!! Imagine that! I think we'll have endless supply of dish liquid...

Friday, January 1, 2010

$3.50 per pack Earth's Best diapers

Babies R Us or Toys R Us is having 3 day sale of Earth's Best diapers. (Jan 1-3) $5 per pack.

Use $1.50 coupon here to make it $3.50 per pack! you can only print 1 per computr and the limit for buying is 3 per customer.

People complained how stiff they are. I don't think so. I haven't tried their absorbency though.

Talking about Toys R Us, you should join the birthday club (your kids). they give you $3 card to use for anything $3 or more