At Stop and Shop week starting Friday Apr 1, you buy...
2 wishbone dressings, $1 each, use 2 MQ $0.75 here
you earn $1
which you can also buy 1 pack of Wise potato chips at $2, $0.50 MQ here
for free.
(the coupons double)
While you're there, pick up
Daisy sour cream, $1.50, use $0.60 coupon from last week's Smartsource coupon.
Final Price: $0.30.
Also, Sargento cheese at $2.50, if the reduced sodium ones are on sale too, you can use a $0.75 coupon here to get them for $1 each.
Chi chi's tortilla at $1.67 (usual price $2).
Looks like a Mexican week for us.