Here're our free multigrain cheerios and yoplus!! =) Though we did overspend this week...$74 for groceries and fruits...oops...but we got TONS of stuff...most likely we'll spill into next week.

Plus, I'm like a little girl...we got "featured" (actually more like mentioned) in my favorite frugal blog, Money Saving Mom!! haha....
I'm back!This week is quite exciting I have to say. I haven't gone to CVS for SUCH A LONG TIME!!STOP & SHOP (Double $1 Coupon Days!)Buy $15 worth of groceries (to be safe, buy at least $19), use 4 $1 MQ and it'll double!Here're my good buys this week:Multigrain cheerios, 4 for $6 (must buy 4)4 $0.75/1 coupons here, here and hereFinal price: Free!Yo-Plus Yogurt, $2 (4-pack)$1/1 coupon hereFinal Price: Free!Yo Baby Yogurt (I'm not getting this, but this is a great buy!), $4.29$1/1 coupon hereFinal Price: $2.29CVSPampers Diapers Jumbo, 2 for $20$5 ECB2 $2 MQ (P&G Saver this week)Final Price: $5.50 per packA lot of free after ECB back-to-school stuff!! (got to take a look!)I received a $5/30 coupon. this will come in real handy!RITE-AIDA lot of free after rebate stuff too!I'm looking out for these:EZ tape, $1.49Crest toothpaste, $2.79Wethers' Original, $2.99Renu contact lotion, $9.99Venus razor, $7 ($5 rebate, $2 MQ P&G saver), Final price: freeAnd you can print a 5/$25 coupon hereFinal total: Money-making!!
I haven't placed ANYTHING on this blog for such a long time I wonder if my friends still bother to come.Anyhows, this Friday there's a great Multigrain Cheerios deal I just have to post.Buy 4 at $6 (Have to buy 4). Print 2 coupons here and 2 coupons here for $0.75 each. Since Stop and Shop doubles, you get free cereals!