Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grocery Sep 13

No picture today, in a hurry to put awaythe things. But this week we had a more expensive grocery expense...$56.32. That's a big jump...but let me tell you what we got in this!

-a whole roasting chicken, that's on sale for $0.99 per lb, so the entire chkn for $6+ (we can have it for two meals or more)
-A sack of 20lb rice (that's $15...rice prices haven't come down. :( )
-A sack of 10 lb flour (this will make NUMEROUS breads, pizza crust, cakes, etc etc)
-Drumsticks ( a whole bunch of them)
-Boneless Chicken Breasts
-6 more pasta roni/rice-roni (we have to print from different computers to gather these coupons, but it's worth it, they are all free!)
-Fruits (now, usually fruits are out of our budget, cos we gave FIL a budget and he helps us with it since he's good, but this week they'll be on vacation)

So, I say, we had a good week still! =)

And we gained a lot from the drugstores and Target (We got MORE we have 20 packs of cereal and bars and we earned $8. Should have been $10, but one transaction went wrong).

I also got the Southbeach Living Bars deal (again, we printed from different computers to get 6 coupons) and earned $2.

And the Pert + free chocolate deal earned me $1.56 (should have been more, there were some problems with the price...sigh our Wag always has this problem). Total earnings: $11.56. Just on a week. And TONS of bars/cereals/etc for free. Sweet.

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